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Why Every Man Should Buy a Fleshlight Sex Toy. The Ultimate Penis Masturbation Toy

Every man or penis owner needs a Fleshlight masturbation sex toy in their life. Here's why you need to buy a Fleshlight - the world's most popular male masturbation sex toy!

Introducing the Fleshlight - the world's best-selling male sex toy

The Fleshlight is the top selling sex toy for men in the world. It's a personal masturbation sleeve that looks like a flashlight/torch at first glance, but once you remove the cap, the "flashlight" will present you with a deliciously plump vagina, tight anal sphincter, apple bottom, along with many other exciting shapes and even molds of pornstars' vaginas.

Compact, discreet and hyper-realistic, Fleshlights have earned a fine reputation for providing a real-feel sexual experience.

In fact, the Fleshlight is one of the closest things you will experience that's close to the feeling of a real vagina, due to its patented high-quality SuperSkin design. All you need to do is simply slip your member into the cavity of your choice and stroke until satisfied!

Here's everything you need to know about Fleshlight, so you can choose the perfect Fleshlight for you!

What is a Fleshlight?

Fleshlight is a brand of artificial-vagina or artificial anal opening sex toy. The Fleshlight is a masturbatory aid, which is used by inserting the penis into its opening. The Fleshlight was designed by Steve Shubin, who was granted a patent in July 1998 for his invention, which was a "device for discreet sperm collection," which it does very well!

The famous male masturbator got its name from the flesh-like material used in its inner sleeve, as well as the plastic case that houses the sleeve, which is fashioned to look like an oversized flashlight. The inner sleeve is available with a vulva, anus or mouth orifice, in colors representing a variety of ethnicities as well as see-through, and it's available in many different internal textures, which is continuously being added to a range.

Who can use a Fleshlight?

Anyone with a penis can use a Fleshlight. It's made for men as a masturbation sex toy, and it has become one of the most popular male sex toys in the world! Using a Fleshlight is easy. They're straightforward sex toys that are designed to feel like the real thing.

Can I use a Fleshlight with a partner?

Yes! Fleshlights aren't only for masturbation. Introduce a Fleshlight to foreplay with your partner to take handjobs to the next level. Read our guide, 4 amazing ways to use a Fleshlight with your partner, for ideas and tips for introducing your Fleshlight to coupled play.

Why should you buy a Fleshlight?

If you're asking yourself, 'should I buy a Fleshlight?' the answer is yes! Here are 7 key reasons why you should buy yourself a Fleshlight right now!

1. You can satisfy your sexual needs

Whenever you want, however you like, the Fleshlight sexual gratification alternative is there to fulfill your sexual fantasies and meet your desires.

2. Fleshlights feel like the real thing

The soft, pliable, non-vibrating SuperSkin sleeve of the Fleshlight has been designed to provide the most realistic intercourse simulation known to man.

3. Using a Fleshlight can improve stamina and performance

Whether you consider yourself to be a beginner in the bedroom or a sexpert, there is always room for improvement. Test your skills, practice new techniques, and test how long you can last using one of Fleshlight's specially designed inserts, created for maximum sensation.

4. Practice safe sex with Fleshlight

According to Fleshlight creators, the Fleshlight was created, in part, to address the risks associated with promiscuity, the spread of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), and unwanted pregnancy. Whether you're having trouble finding a safe partner or waiting for the right one to come along, the Fleshlight offers a safe and satisfying means for expressing your sexuality.

5. Fleshlight gives you a lifetime of pleasure

With proper use and care, the Fleshlight will last you a lifetime! If only it were that easy with real sexual partners... but who needs a real partner when you have a Fleshlight sex toy, anyway?! Fleshlights are fully body-safe, and are safe to user over and over again. Fleshlights are also easy to clean and are very durable.

6. Fleshlight sex toys give you more variety than most sex toys

Fleshlights simulate the feel of real sex, and with such a massive range of Fleshlight sex toys available you're spoilt for choice! You can have a different Fleshlight sleeve for every day of the week if you wanted to, making the Fleshlight your go-to male sex toy for variety. Might as well start your Fleshlight collection today, because once you buy one, you'll want another... then another... then another. We think you get the gist!

7. Fleshlights are portable

Because of the discreet and portable design of the Fleshlight sex toy range, you can take your Fleshlight with you everywhere you go! Try doing that with a life-size sex doll - you'd get some strange looks!

Are you ready to buy yourself a Fleshlight?

Fleshlights are the perfect sex toy for men, and there's a reason why they're the most popular male sex toy in the world! Once you try a Fleshlight you'll never be able to go back to using your hand again.

Shop Fleshlight now and read our step-by-step guide on how to use a male masturbator sex toy to learn how to make the most of your new Fleshlight.

Learn more about sex toys for penises

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Editor's note: This article was originally published on 4 April 2018 and was updated on 12 July 2021 for relevance and comprehensiveness. The information in this article has been fact checked and reviewed for accuracy by Adulttoymegastore's team of content specialists and sexual wellness experts.

Content disclaimer: Adulttoymegastore does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment for illness. Any information published on this website, either by Adulttoymegastore of its authors, is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a medical professional.

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